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Israeli Donors
Donate Online:
Via Jgive
Donate by Check:
Write cheque to A.H.A.V.A.
Mail it to:
Mitzpeh Yericho
POB 403
D.N. Arvot HaYarden
9065100 ISRAEL
Bank Transfer:
א.ה.ב.ה. אנגלית הנלמדת בשיטה הטבעית
Bank HaDoar (09)
Branch 001
Yaffo 217, Jerusalem
Account Number: 02749595
How to Donate to A.H.A.V.A.
American Donors
Canadian Donors
Donate Online:
Note: mark that you want tax receipts for Canada.
Donate by Cheque:
Cheques should be filled out to be payable to:
Mizrachi Organization of Canada
Donors should write:
"A.H.A.V.A." in the memo line.
Cheques should be sent or brought to us at:
Mizrachi Organization of Canada
4600 Bathurst St. ste 316
Toronto, ON M2R 3V2
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